(Late) Entry for Day 4: Anemone {Unfading Love ; Sincerity} based on 's Guardian Angel AU fic for the same day.

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Sormik week Day 6: Narcissus {Rebirth ; Renewal}

14 31

A small thing for !
You know that feeling when something happens in a dream and you wake up thinking that it actually happened but it didn’t? I was pretty disappointed to know they haven’t kissed yet 😔

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Day 5 of
Purple Hyacinth : Sorrow ; Forgiveness

I drew Mibo in the time when he was waiting for Sorey :(

He suffered a lot and I wanted to represent that time. I hope you like it

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Sormik Week 2019
❁ Day 4, August 8th::
Anemone {Unfading Love ; Sincerity}

I’ve always wanted to do something like this since I first heard Anemone no hana ❤️💦

(Reupload because I found a mistake ;7;)

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Day 3 of = Peony and Marigold

It's still day 3 for me! This came out better than Day 2 for a rush job. I'm sorry I didn't plan ahead D: The idea is that SorMik are jealous of others' relationships but too shy and bashful to have one themselves.

11 25

Day 3 of :
Peony {Bashfulness ; Anger}

Well, no anger here, just bashfulness. AKA I just wanted to draw more baby Sormiks

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Day 2 of : White Lilac (youthful innocence)

Ink leaked onto my page and I had to try to blend it in with awful looking shading 😭 But precious babs.

Check out the replies for today's oneshot, involving Mikleo falling into traps and childhood memories!

13 25

Sormik Week 2019
❁ Day 2, August 6th:
White Lilac {Youthful innocence ; Memories}

I love the idea of Sorey writting silly poems for Mikleo in secret haha ❤💦

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Day 2 of :
White Lilac {Youthful innocence ; Memories}

……….listen you can’t give me that prompt and expect me to NOT draw anything but super random baby Sormiks

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kinda commissions for she deserves all the sormik in the world i wish i could treat her with art more

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…what can I say... I like to draw sexy things

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