I colored in an old drawing to include as a mini print with all orders of my soroku charms!! Thank you to everyone who's ordered so far 😳💕

94 243

This is super old and sketchy but I wanted to do something for so here’s day 1: happy!

26 59

Please RT!
I run an active 18+ Soroku discord (platonic/romantic) that is currently taking in new members! Please DM me or my mods (listed below) if you would like to join but you Must comply with the rules as we want to keep this server clean & safe for everyone. Thank you! 💖

22 30

Modern! When love feels so good you gotta meet up to kiss on campus between classes.. 😳

37 109

Ugh this took me way too long. ! FUTURISTIC!
why did I draw angst? Who knows

16 62

COSPLAY! I love that I can indulge my Tangled kick as well as my KH/soroku kick god bless

44 113

It's been a while since I drew any

0 3

one of the things i wanted to see but i know it didnt happen....

67 186

day 16-- ANIMALS! I'm not great at drawing animals but I figured out Sora is a fox and . Well

19 54

why am i putting so much effort in drawing soroku

when was the last time I draw so much for an otp

0 8

sighhhh finally done!!!!!!! ><
will be selling at doujima!

19 55