Characters I'd like for smash

Drifter - Favorite game of all time
Tails - Favourite Sonic character and would be cool to see another rep
Rallen - Recently remembered about Spectrobes and could have some cool mechanics
Raphael - would love a fencing style sword character

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I will hunt down a copy of Spectrobes for the Wii and hopefully stream all of it. I still can't believe Disney made a JRPG that wasn't kingdom hearts.

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shout out to the 3 people who remember Spectrobes ✌️😔

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My favorite Pokemon, Digimon, Yokai and Spectrobe because I don't know much about yugioh and Spectrobes is underrated

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More Corona property Spectrobes~

Danawa - Danapix - Danaphant
Tenkro - Senkro - Gekikro
Torga - Torgazar - Torgallup
Troga - Trogazar - Trogallup

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Continuing on with some nostalgia; I used to really love Spectrobes and want to play it again
I remember my favorites to use were Grildragos and Shakoblad

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Corona Spectrobes~

Dongor - Dongora - Dongiga
Azeko - Azenor - Azewana
Darucho - Darutori - Datutake
Rudacho - Rudatori - Rudatake

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that's maja from the DS game Spectrobes!

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Spectrobes, like it had such cool monster designs and an interesting concept (tho the story couldve been a bit better lol) like look at these guys! They didnt make many games of them but I really liked the mons 😭 Heres a visual list of the other mons:

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Using Xiao as my main example but the motifs in the Genshin character designs totally remind me of Spectrobes and I am SO here for it

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i want her so bad now shes gonna be so cool adhassaus

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Two snippets from some fanfic/script I wrote based off this one thing Dyrus said in the game about capturing a krawl and selling it to a zoo for some good cash

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I finally drew Dyrus and used Cyrus as a ref, but does it really matter?

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