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Vous préférez GOHAN SSJ2 ou Ultimate GOHAN ?

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We got Ssj from the Frieza saga, Ssj2 the Cell saga, Ssj3 the Buu saga and continue from Dragon ball Super is Ssjg form and Ssgss. And normally I should flame Super for putting movies that we just watched and still put it as a arc.

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I’ve solved it.
The entire point of his new form is to make his silhouette look like his SSJ2 form from when he was young.
The only problem is that his head looks tiny when his hair is that big.

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Okay so like on a technicality I got Gohan's new form's colours down to an absolute T back in April 2021...

But on a SSJ2 Gohan ALT Manga Colour drawing lmao

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SSJ2 Silver Jinx unleashes his awesome power. Just completed commission for

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DBZ Redraw: Battle Damaged SSJ2 Gohan

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Nunca entendi por que algunas personas se burlaban de Vegeta por no usar el Ssj3 diciendo que es por debil y asi
Cuando fue lo mas inteligente pulir el Ssj2 en vez de usar la que es la segunda transformacion mas inutil de los Sayajin

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セル編のssj2を彷彿とさせる鋭い目付き+スパーク+ピッコロの道着のちゃんと前髪が出てるアル飯マジでかっこよすぎる 超楽しみ

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Goku has the best ssj2 design imo haha, it's so simple yet so clean haha

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Bonjour, bonsoir a tous, je viens tout juste finir mon fanart de Say "No" More representant " " en SSJ2 disant non en kamehameha tout droit sorti du mini LP de

Rien de plus qu'un petit effauchement pour la miriade qui s'annonce!

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🕓In progress... Advancing up the amazing fury of Gohan going SSJ2! 😱🔥⚡🔥⚡ Extremely happy and it's going to be an insanely epic look once render fully! ✨✨✨ Stay tune guys for a explosive moment! 💥


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MORE CROSSOVER ART! I did all the DBS characters - Credit to Shadow & Shadic Artist - Read Image desc. For more info!

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Bulla transform to Ssj2 and start to whip there ass, literally breaking there body parts and causing more destruction than Broly have.....chirst after that she erase a planet and also destroying the sun! You know I'm just going ignore the sun part and also Goten is gone as well😶

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