Do you ever just.. redo whole character out of a old fantroll?

If you ever had one then how did they end up?

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Is it just me, or did Jim become 100% more hotter after he became a troll?!

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Veritewatch Ep. 18: Comics on revealing Abaddon's secret hobbies (2)
Who is the real troll? xD

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pero como que no es un troll? Estamos locos o que?

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Have you seen this troll? Lurking in a bookshop near you. Careful, he might be feeling peckish.

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Time for a quick stroll? Here're a few benefits to including a in your daily routine 👇🏻:

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GrumpyKitty suddenly became a troll? And is now on Burning Blade? This could be interesting.

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What would happen if a minion met a troll? New vector illustration here. More at

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would you say he's an Ogre or a Troll???

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