Someone's jealous~⚡🌿 Who's Tighnari texting to I wonder🤭

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When Ritsukas like “we’ve barely talked” and Mafuyus like no we talked that one time you yelled at me for not texting you back. Boy fucked UP Lol

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tldr: stop texting ur bf while giggling or whatever it is u do these days and go sleep dumbass lol

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アンナ「…ん? あ、気にしないで。体ちゃんはちょうど誰かと出会っていて、お互いにメッセージをしている。で、どうしたんだ?」
anna: "hm? ah, don't mind her. she just met someone and they're texting with each other. so what's up?"


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Mama bunni texting her daughter Chamomile!c:

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Austin.... Solace? Is texting... Fucking great. Wonder how much I can get for this thing... Or fuck around with it.

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This meme but with Jn’rii and Kira …wonder who she’s texting…

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Its our birthday!! my favorite part is texting my brother happy birthday or calling him exactly at midnight 😅#twins

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the emotional whiplash of chilling and watching youtube now to 3 hours ago frantically texting my bf "i love you" while pulled over on the highway thinking i was gonna die in the storm either in a crash or in a tornado

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Vic texting Grant keeping him updated on his trip to the reptile sanctuary.

There isn't much biodiversity left in their world, so finding an alligator snapping turtle is a pretty big deal.

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Reader sent me a post with that script, saying it has energy and I very much agreed. So I drew it too.
Gardengate Connor is a funny bitch and dem boys be texting much.

Read on Ao3:

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(sayo's texting her sister!!!!!!!)

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Can you imagine sanha texting MJ and eunwoo being like “ hyungs i got you two a gift you will see it when we are back home”

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