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Οχι 10, ούτε 20...
Το The New Yorker ψηφίζει τις 35 καλύτερες ταινίες της χρονιάς https://t.co/buN2d2P90V #Flixgr #Bestof2021 #TheNewYorker
Helen E. Hokinson
The New Yorker, November 27, 1937
Giving Thanks 2021 https://t.co/rsBZAgFOr9 #Thanksgiving #HelenEHokinson #TheNewYorker
A cartoon by Dana Fradon
The New Yorker, February 12, 1955
French Laundry: S. J. Perelman and Victoria Roberts https://t.co/SbHomttJki #DanaFradon #TheNewYorker #Cigars
"One thing I'll say for him—he's always been a good provider."
Charles Addams
The New Yorker, February 23, 1952
Blog Post No. 3800: Good Provider Cartoons in The New Yorker https://t.co/ME7Tqx4uqD #CharlesAddams #TheNewYorker
"Ghost Birds" for The New Yorker, illustration by @hokyoungkim_ 👻
#rsar_group #ghostbirds #thenewyorker #newyorker #editorialillustration #halloween #ghosts
The latest cover for The New Yorker, “Food for Thought" by Tom Gauld. Perfectly capturing the last days of Summer.
#TheNewYorker #Art #Summer
New Yorker spot drawing from 1930 by...whom?
Blog Post No. 3700: Peter Arno's Changing Points of VIew https://t.co/AR0nTPA8wY #TheNewYorker #ArtistUnknown
"That? Oh, that's nothing. Just something I was fooling around with."
Charles Addams
Original art
The New Yorker, January 3, 1959
#CharlesAddams: Old Master or Modern Master? https://t.co/LVZ4jWvSnd #TheNewYorker
Jean-Jacques Sempé
The New Yorker, June 22, 2009
Jeanine's Copy of Vacances by Jean-Jacques Sempé https://t.co/0iPaGdWQsU #Sempe #TheNewYorker #JeanJacquesSempe
My illustration on the @newyorkermag for the article “Spotlight on plays” written by @MJSchulman 🟣 (in the picture: Mary-Louise Parker for the Baltimore Waltz play).
#illustrator #illustration #thenewyorker #newyorker #publishing #thebaltimorewaltz #イラスト #camillazaza #mag
Tales of the Koko Lion, Part 7: Animated Memories
A memoir of my experiences in the LA animation scene of the early '80s...and how lucky I was just to draw...
#UPA #DuckSoup #ArtCenter #CalArts #animation #EdKoren #TheNewYorker #WarnerBros #DelMar #TBT
Fritz Kreisler by Einar Nerman
A Look at the New Yorker's First Issue https://t.co/QotlhDLoVi #EinarNerman #FritzKreisler #TheNewYorker
William Steig
The New Yorker, December 6, 1958
#WilliamSteig: A Proposal https://t.co/i8G3KSl8HN #TheNewYorker
Space travel cartoon by Dana Fradon
The New Yorker, December 6, 1958
William Steig: A Proposal https://t.co/OcuC40U6jd #DanaFradon #TheNewYorker
BOOK OF THE DAY: Published first in 1944, this is a beloved collection of #shortstories #poems & #reviews mostly from #1920s & #1930s editions of #TheNewYorker by the legendary #AlgonquinTable wit #DorothyParker #book #fiction #humor #essays
1964 World's Fair spot drawing by Alan Dunn
Thoughts of the Sportsman: Charles Addams and Lee Lorenz https://t.co/6shPu5TyeF #AlanDunn #TheNewYorker #WorldsFair1964