My favorite Disney Princess, Tiana. 👑🐸

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There’s magic in the air tonight. The Princess and the Frog turned 9 yesterday.

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My dear friend Amanda loves “The Princess and the Frog” and “Wicked,” so I got this silly idea to combine them, since Charlotte basically IS Galinda and Tiana spends at least part of her life “unnaturally green.” 😆

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I've been practicing different shots and angles for my storyboard course, it is quite the challenge, and I have to prepare a lot of quick poses with visible lines of action for next class 🤪

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やっと風邪が治りましたーーー\( ˆoˆ )/✨ ということで、遅れましたが描初め。今年は去年以上にたくさん描きたい♡

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プリキスは大好きだけど、ローレンスがいたたまれない。彼にも幸せが訪れますように。ネタ提供はミゾさん( )です。

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