For a guy who's this dangerous to call Hee-seong a "nasty woman", it makes you really think about what more has Hee-seong done that even Seong-rok doesn't know about. 👀 Furthermore, if this ex-convict is a friend of HS's, how did they meet?

0 21

Episode 10 and Episode 29 🤣🤣❤️

Our Je-oh keeps on teasing Seong-rok with that smile. 🤣❣️ I love the both of them so much


45 601

Jealous Seong-rok wearing black is so fitting because the way he glares at the man like that, he looks like the Grim Reaper. 🔥

Read Episode 29 on the official site! 👉

4 26

Proof Number 1937272727 that EVY-nim is an amazing artist:

Hands in The Pawn's Revenge. 🖐️

3 44

If I stole your heart and u stole mine, wouldn’t that be the perfect crime? 💞

20 293


In honor of the first week of my countdown for The Pawn's Revenge Season 2, I will be giving away 60 Lezhin coins! 💕

Rules and details on the picture below!

58 327

They're not even an official couple yet but look at them having couple fashion. 😭 Gosh, I love them so much. ❤️🖤

9 128

Hyeon-woo's appearance in S1 is very minimal, but we discover that he is brave, smart, dedicated, and a true man of justice. (Handsome, too!)

Do you think maybe HS is somewhat connected to the disappearance of his hyung? I hope we see more of him in S2! 😍

4 36

Hee-seong wears baggy clothes with her hair kept & unstyled in front of detectives. This is a tactic to feign innocence; a physical facade that's highly opposite from her true nature & lavish lifestyle filled with designer clothes and diamonds.

1 26

Naughty & cute JO always puzzling SR 😆

37 480

Hee-seong urged Je-oh to stab MJS, hence why Je-oh's delinquent reputation worsened. Because of falling into HS trap, JO had to be watched closely for three whole years-- the instance that made JO resent HS.

HS's a wicked temptress all around.

1 25

Falling in love is not rational. It's madness. A beautiful, wonderful, moment of magnificent insanity.

— Michael Faudet

"Crazy bastard" ; "Crazy fucker"

3 41

The power of King Je-oh. 😂 He spoke a few words and two grown men came instantly. 😂😂💕💯💯🔥 JO proved that you can kill two birds with one stone. 😌

6 39

I forgot to say this:

I fell asleep right after I read the update of The Pawn's Revenge but I would like to sincerely thank everyone for legally reading TPR and making it possible for it to become 1ST PLACE in Lezhin ranking! 😭❤️❤️ You all are THE BEST!

4 61

Due to the incompetency of the higher-ups and the local police, Hyeon-woo requested for his team to take over the investigation of Yeong-gil's death.

As we all know, Hyeon-woo is very capable. What are your thoughts about SR's fate? 😟

1 10

Seong-rok: "You're so whiny."

Also Seong-rok: "But it's kinda cute."

😉😉 Big guy is WHIPPED.

5 58

Ep.13 and Ep.18

Just a small gesture, but both instances marked HUGE milestones in the change of their relationship. SR held JO's hand when he decided not to kill him, and he later did the same when they finally slept together for the first time.

13 74