got all the achievements in dark souls 3 the other day so I made a commemorative doodle !! + a random study so I can bypass the treachery of twitter's crop algorithm (trickster)

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The Sword of R’lyeh
Chapter 665.127 and 3/4: Mr. Taco’s Tuesday of Treachery.
This was an awesome piece to work on, was inspired by a post based on undiscovered Genius, Riley Almanzor’s Literary Masterpiece and their response to a duel between them and Mr. Taco.

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May your weekend be filled with misdeeds and treachery! Have an awful Saturday!

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Here's my take on Vulkan, primarch of the Salamanders, as he grasps the scope of the warmaster's treachery on Istvaan V. As always, thanks for looking! The Emperor protects! :D

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Boethiah, Daedric Prince of treachery and deceit, and a big fan of blood-sport. Blue skin is hard to paint, for some inexplicable reason.

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Vulkan lives! A sketch/wip of my take on Vulkan, primarch of the Salamanders, as I imagine him on Istvaan V, confronted with Horus's Treachery during the Dropsite Massacre. Thanks for looking!

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A tormented seer, a king’s ranger exiled for treason, and a witch who knits are caught in a maelstrom of murder, treachery, sorcery and war as they expose an otherworld plot to destroy the immortal warriors who protect the realm.

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More Aska brainstorming: She was born to a yuan-ti "lesser tribe" from House Sauringar, displaced into the Northern Sword Coast by their diaspora caused by the treachery of House Se'Sehen in Baldur's Gate 2. 16 years before the Spellplague. In the Underdark near Mt. Hotenow.

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1998 for "Star Wars: Boba Fett, Death, Lies & Treachery" and 2003 for "Star Wars Tales 18", both published by Dark Horse

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...into historical crimes of Empire. Season 1, Episode 1:
‘Treachery at San Juan de Ulúa’

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I see this image and immediately thought WHY AM I NOT FOLLOWING YOU? WHAT IS THIS TREACHERY

also Bucky can't prevent, it, he tried to be indignant but his dick thought otherwise

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Campaign 2 - Though We Slayed A Shadow Dragon, And A Gorgon Within A Maze Today, Most Of Us Nearly Died From The Sheer Treachery Of It's Other Dangers... It's Time To Leave, And Continue Our Larger Cause

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Tale of Tails: I’m a sort of of how ended up with nine tails. And I can’t guarantee it doesn’t involve a bunch of treachery and murder.

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I came up with another idea that'll never properly see the light of day.

A secret society of teenage girls whose personas are based on animals. It's about deceit, treachery, and what it really means to be friends.

These probably aren't even the final designs either.

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"Crammed full of political manoeuvring, bare-faced treachery and some truly insane destruction..."

The excellent No. 5 by &

You can read my review here:

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Shackles of Treachery、ってテキスト読む前にカード名だけでコントロール奪う気満々なのがわかるし、マナコストと色でAct系かな、ってのもわかってしまう

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"'Though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it base treachery, I have decided to help you-'
'That's great!' said Harry, relief surging through him. 'Griphook, thank you, we're really-'
'-in return,' said the goblin firmly, 'for payment'"
— JKR (DH25)

by Bas Schel

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