less shity ponytail drawing cool cool

2 9

Freesia flower suits him💮

(Pls remind me to study hands and it's anatomy)

1 7

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!!!..... and happy valentines day I guess... 😒😒

(rtwts get a sopping wet high five)

39 199

the memory of you is suffocating me

(fun fact there are 25 individually drawn lilies in this piece)
replies and rts have my heart <3

17 94

So... that Tubbo lore..
(C!Tubbo design, feel free to replicate <3)

1 3

Twitter is scary but here you go look at the happy lil boy

12 71

- warning signal !!
(#tubboart [untag!!<3]

19 56

Escuché que Tubbo está buscando recomendaciones de música?? Any "Tan bionica" enjoyers? (Está escuchando "ciudad mágica" 😌)

34 212