//=time() ?>
I just want to share a link that is helpful should you decide to go to the US Open during Qualifying week for a Fan Pass. It’s free and theoretically gets you to see a Masters match in the Stadium and gets you preferred seating. https://t.co/anBWaYrJ8b #USOPEN2019
Congratulations Naomi!!!
#AusOpen #AO #NaomiOsaka
#全豪オープンテニス #大坂なおみ
#テニス #tennis
今年の全豪オープンで2つ目のメジャータイトル獲得と同時に世界ランキング1位になった女子テニス選手のドット絵 #大坂なおみ #NaomiOsaka #全豪オープンテニス #AusOpen
You don’t have to be sorry anymore.
She did it! Congratulations @Naomi_Osaka_ , #AusOpen 2019 champion and new Women's World #1! The very best, like no one ever was!
If she wins tomorrow's Australian Open final, @Naomi_Osaka_ will be the World Number 1. But win or lose, to us, she's already the very best like no one ever was. #AusOpen
(Trainer sprite edit by Bulbagarden's own Misfit Angel)
#BernardTomic slams Australian Open organisers for using ‘cheap’ tennis balls. https://t.co/dDrE7GiPsm #AusOpen
#Cartoon: @theheraldsun @heraldsunsport
#BernardTomic #Tomic #Dunlop #AustralianOpen #AussieOpen #AO2019
#tennisballs #Melbourne #Australia
It wouldn't be summer in #Melbourne without the #AusOpen
#Cartoon: @theheraldsun @heraldsunsport @FedSquare @AustralianOpen
#Federer @rogerfederer #SerenaWilliams @serenawilliams #AshBarty
#AndyMurray #Kyrgios #Australia #Tennis #AussieOpen #FedSquare
...meanwhile in the #Australian dressing room - #AUSvsIND
#Cartoon: @heraldsunsport @theheraldsun
#Summer #Sport #Cricket #tennis #NickKyrgios
#India #Australia #Aussies #AusOpen #TestCricket #SCG
@procartoonists #GoAussies #AustralianOpen
Twelve Days of MLS - Day Eight: US Open Cup winners Houston Dynamo #MLS #illustration #MauroManotas #HoustonDynamo #usopencup #lamarhuntusopencup #animation #motiongraphics @mauromanotas19 @houstondynamo Produced by 2Tall for @mls Artwork by our own @IanMork
.@heraldsun cartoonist Mark Knight reflects on how he should have drawn Serena Williams #USOpenFinal
The Australian Open 2019 #TennisDraw has just been released.
#Cartoon: @theheraldsun
#SerenaWilliams #AussieOpen #Australia #AusOpen #USopen
#AustralianOpen @AustralianOpen #tennis
#全米オープンテニス #大坂なおみ #tennis #テニス #USOpen
#NaomiOsaka #USOpen #UsOpen2018 #Tennis #illustration
#大坂なおみ #NaomiOsaka #セリーナ #SerenaWilliams #コーチング #USOpen
Unflattering? Yes. Racist? No. Nothing wrong depicting an actual event in a cartoon. #SerenaWillams had an epic tantrum & felt so entitled to win that she embarrassed herself. Mark Knight is the best & a fair cartoonist & already hit Nick Kyrgios earlier. #USOpen @Knightcartoons
Yo I know I said I was taking break from this strip, but I can't sit by when comics are used for evil. #UsOpenFinal