[#Hearthstone] Galería de ilustraciones de Salvadores de Uldum.

🎨 https://t.co/M8gym8Es7I 🎨

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Want to compare your thoughts about the upcoming Saviors of Uldum nerfs with ours? did a quick analysis of their impact, trying to answer the most important question - will those cards still be playable? Check it out here: https://t.co/OyFG2lYbDU

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Someone look at that ugly azz toilet <...< saying that doom is better than light... Sepuldumbchair.

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Explorer Bundle is now available! Get 20 Packs in total (5 of each from Witchwood, Boomsday, Rastakhan and Shadows) + a random Saviors of Uldum Legendary for $19.99. Sadly no Uldum packs, but it's still a solid deal. Learn more here: https://t.co/f7a4EXFU1P

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Reno is back, and he already made a huge impact on the Saviors of Uldum meta. Highlander Mage is one of the most common and strongest decks in the game right now. Check out our guide (mulligan, strategy, card replacements) by : https://t.co/gfdnRBIwmj

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New expansion always means a new Arena season! The current rotation includes Saviors of Uldum alongside some older, high power sets. If you want to improve your win rate in the current season, check out those handy tips from : https://t.co/WgqTJbfWtR

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Hoy, Peregrina tortoliana.

Este esbirro épico de mago está viendo bastante juego desde el lanzamiento de 'Salvadores de Uldum'.

«¡Una tortoliana ha llegado al desierto!»

Artista: Rafael Zanchetin

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I've played casually for a long time now, but this is my first time ever hitting Rank 5! I've really been enjoying Saviors of Uldum! Can a Yu-Gi-Oh! player hit Legend? Maybe...

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李墨渴Moke played a Highlander Even Shaman from rank 5 to legend with 73.1% winrate! Check out his detailed deck guide:


3 16

It's been 5 days since Saviors of Uldum launch. Thank you all for choosing us as your source for new Hearthstone decks! You can find all ~160 deck lists from pros & streamers we've added in this post: https://t.co/bK4Smk7p3k

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Highlander Hunter, alongside Mage, looks to be a very promising singleton deck in Saviors of Uldum. Between Brann and Zephrys, it might really be worth it to cut all of the duplicates. Check out our guide for the deck by : https://t.co/79Chw9czSu

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Easiest legend climb all because control warrior is absolutely broken now with the taunt package. Only mages with Pocket Galaxy and quest paladins gave me any trouble. Please nerf this and mage next week, not next month, next week. Let us enjoy Uldum!

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We've just updated our Standard Tier List for the early Saviors of Uldum meta! Check out this write-up on the best decks on the ladder (for now). We'll update it once again once the meta fully stabilizes! https://t.co/SBVYBIcK2C

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Art (#95)
Card: Mischief Maker
Set: Saviors of Uldum
Artist: Ivan Fomin (https://t.co/8mNkKKqelH)

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If you're looking for a strong deck to play, we've compiled the best Saviors of Uldum decks from Day 1! We've picked 9 different lists that should work well on the ladder right now. Check them out here: https://t.co/WhkU2mga0x

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And we're back for more exciting Saviors of Uldum action! As a reminder - we'll be gathering all of the new decks posted on our site (https://t.co/bK4Smk7p3k), but also get them all up on social media, so you can follow us basically anywhere for new decks :)

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Saviors of Uldum 250 pack opening! /// Then WILD Deck Brewing

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To celebrate that ‘s has just launched, have a Tiny Elise and a Tiny Sir Finnley. These legends of the past know exactly what to do! 🎼

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