Introducing Nigel’s brother, Brother! I know VERY creative. But mah boy Nigel felt lonely so hunky dunky bag of bones is a welcomed addition to the family! (And when Nigel says friends he means fuck buddies.) 💖

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Skeleton friend
I think I’ll call team Ghost
They’re Nomadic
The horns are made by their magic

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Oc Doodles froml Instagram, Comet, Donny n Neptune, in that order

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i was simply bored today,and decided to draw one of my Undertale ocs. Its unknown if its Chara or Sans, but one thing for sure is that its a female (:

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There is hungry, there is hangry, and there is 'lord help you against this pantry raider'.

JoeAdok's fanart of a scene in Chapter 149 of where the pantry got raided by a spooky

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A veces pienso que tengo que dejar de dibujar versiones de sans, me frustra mucho.

Aquí el Versión Slime rancher.
(amo ese juego)

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Ent eu fiz um iconzin de um oc meu de um RPG q eu tô fazendo com uns amigos ae (De Undertale)

Esse carinha ae embaixo não tem nome então geral só chama ele de "humano" msm

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Jersi loves strawberry donuts UwU

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