画質 高画質

3 pm.
DM : I want new clothe style for this man (send random character art from internet) for the session tonight, cuz the original art he is in the modern.
Me : fine, but just sketch, OK?.
DM : Sure! Thank you!

7 pm.
DM : WAT!?

2 17

I love her untrained’s costume but the trained’s costume WAT THE FUCK

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he is kinda hot or wat ><!

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wat if kina lillet from player?

2 16

CONVERGENT POKEMON - Swimpup - Bouyoswim - Walraswam - Water/Fairy - Inspired by a drawing challenge of a type-swaped convergent line, taking the Wat/Fai typing from Azumarill.

2 7

I was rqt with this picture of 's but twitter wont allow it. Wat is going onnnnnn🥲

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Kinda wanna bring them backk 😭 i really love their designs i just didnt know wat plot to give them LMAO

48 578

“wat breed is he?”

- just a little blueberry

40 186

Wie heeft de serie "Wednesday" gezien en wat vond je er van? 🧙

2 65

Ladies and gentlemen, Lejo ❤️❤️❤️

Ok maar dit was echt het hoogtepunt van Sesamstraat, maakt me niet uit wat iemand anders zegt. Dit was het.

1 6

*Shows to a person what is*

"Wow! That is so cool! Can you make one with my face?"

Like rig a drawing of your face?

"No! A photo! like a filter on Snapchat! Do one for me!"

Is- Is this the rigging counterpart of "you are an artist? Can you draw me?" XD

0 17

Wat da hek guess I have to do this now..,,.............

I don't really talk to anyone who uses twitter so this branch ends here :)


1 33

... So I decided to sketch Valen's older sister and like.... uhhh i think i got wat I need-

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