"Lo que has amado, esa será tu herencia y nada más".
Robert L. Stevenson

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born to Mentor an Eternal, Thanos was largely resistant to just about all forms of energy damage save the most powerful on the level of a Super Nova. One type of energy he was not so resistant to though was kinetic thought Banner and Hulk and me

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- She may no longer be Hope but she could still bring it and bring it with the best of them. Or at least a sense of peace she thought as the arc of her sword pulled the now freed soul's towards it and in to his blade and the nirvana dimension within that awaited

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- Energy ran the length of her blade, a ghostly white made all the more bright by her dark armour. Things had changed and it was time to take action, and soon people would remember why they called her Lady Death!

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Sketches of my favorite warrior in Dragon Age. Krem! I really hope we get to see more of him in DA4 or even meet his dad too. I love his snark/relationship with Bull/the Chargers/everything. <3

( )

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with a hint of the 'scary' for this months theme

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some more thanks to art from Pazio's collection and the great artists they use

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though this one may count as as well

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