Av Carrilet. collage by t From her Barcelona series, looking at how places and memories change over time.

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Drawing by I decided to take “change” literally and depict the time I was handed change which had a pube in it....
“Must. wash.hands”.

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Skyline. Recycled envelope by Joyce Coulton. She has added to the printed design to create a new image.

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Coast with Seated Creation
Acrylic on board (Title chosen by Yas Lime using random generator) by
have linked their artists to others at Birmingham. “Yas Lime requested I research genders.”

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Catalunya collage by From her Barcelona series, looking at how places and memories change over time.

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The Wigan artist Theodore Major is best known for his dark, brooding industrial landscapes but he also loved painting still lifes and flower paintings. We’ve just sold “Roses” a wonderful example of this genre. It was exhibited at his London one man show in 1964

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Tweed. Recycling envelope by Joyce Coulton. She has added to the printed design to create a new image.

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Our 6th online show is ‘Change’. Follow this thread to our artists work. Keep your eye on twitter for help, support and info about what’s happening with opening and lockdown in the borough.

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was a sculptor, ceramicist and print maker from Wigan. From 1967–79 his work explored the relationship between art, artifice and nature.

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