I'm hoping that won't leave X-Factor. Thanks to , Lorna is getting the best treatment from an X-Writer in decades. Lorna's interactions with Daken are hilarious, while she's a great second-in-command for Northie.

1 5

Special Sunday X-Men Election Episode
sits down with us to discuss the only 2 Nominees that matter, TEMPO & MARROW. gives her final Decision on whom is getting her vote!



4 14

a mutant who will straight up get in Logan’s face and fight him without flinching.

3 6


"Oh, mutant powers. It's like magic sometimes."


Or she'll alLURE your lover AWAY, 2.

1 10

additionally, Armor is also one of the only mutants on the list that has purely stuck with her morality & hasn’t had a “baddie recess” along their heroing. To represent a nation to the rest of the world? That’s definitely worth considering!
Just. Saying.

5 20

Seeing polls is a bit disheartening but I still think it’s time for a tempo.

7 51

Let’s see how your soul can grow, Marrow!

0 0

I went with Polaris because I've recently come to the realization, between Poison Ivy, She-Hulk and Polaris, I apparently have a penchant for green-colored ladies. Though, Marrow was a VERY close second. https://t.co/1rXknZ0dSE

0 4

Friends do you like Marvel vs Capcom 2

do you hate the feds

then please consider voting for Marrow in the (first art done by the splendid )


3 2

Kind of hard to take seriously with no Laura (#Wolverine on the list 😉

1 13

My top 4 choices for the ❌ election!

10 77

Un voto para Médula. Cuando sólo hay un hueso, sólo hay una elección

1 6