作 むつー様
KP ナガタ様
SKP 貴仁
PL 雲子様
PL アンバー様



3 13

hi! I do stylized characters and enviro and you can contact me at 44agata.samborska.com
My portfolio is https://t.co/lCMNekoitE

0 3

Hi! I'm Ash/Agata and i create fantasy illustrations and character design. I love drawing elves and witches and hope to make more original content this year! I'm currently working on my bachelor but i'm open for work inquiries and c0mmissions ✨

3 6

Hi !
I'm Agata, a freelance illustrator and game designer from Poland.
I love to design enviro and characters. I'm open for work opportunities!

17 44

Another of my oc agata im till trying to get the hang of things 🤞

1 12

Ladyhawke sketch by Agata Urbanska

20 151

Naomi Nagata from The Expanse cоmmіssіоn

15 63

Hina PFP は独自のコードによるエフェクトを加えており、3%の確率でこのようなレアなNFTを入手することも可能です❗

Hina PFP adds effects with its own code, thus also giving you a 3% chance of getting a rare NFT❗

1 9

BIG fan of mia’s magatama being attached to her scarf like a cat bell on a collar

8 67

. 『永谷園のコーヒー茶漬け』
(Nagatanien Coffee Chazuke)

1 0

11- Mi Padre Alcohólico es un Monstruo

Autobiografía a lo Kabi Nagata pero mucho más crudo y directo, retratando una realidad de Japón que la verdad que me revuelve las entrañas. Me encantó y a la vez me dejó un mal cuerpo increíble

0 1

Katanagatari is one of my favorite shows of all time.

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JA Kumagataさん
Asuna Yuukiさん

1 20

Current obsession: Shizukagata Naginata. He's voiced by Azakami Youhei, so I love him even more😤💜

1 17