I still love this! 💙
A drawing I made of 's water deer, chunky and graceful. She's a wonderful character *^^*

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An adorable Yuka*, wearing a dress based on the floral lace dress. She's SO CUTE! 💙
*ユーカリ/유카리/尤嘉莉 /Calypso/Ute/Юка

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Look how happy Asriel is with his shiny new boots! Smooth, squeaky and cute ^^ 💚

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I'm giving the Polaris' friends and family makeovers because the twins will be aging into teens soon-ish, so here are Alex, Alaina, Darlin and Jay!

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En/Sc: NEW PROFILE PIC! It's Digby*!


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Say hello to new Gargoyle girl oc Alaina.
While doing some Wing practices decided to go for Gargoyle!

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Finally finished Falaina design! I liked her previous clothing design, but I wasn't totally satisfied with it, but now? I'm in LOVE with it! I also did this chart showing her design evolution! I always love to see these tbh!

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That sketch I said I wanted to clean up? Here it is!

Inspired by the many times Alaina was pestered about MCQ versions of Dream and Nightmare, I present to you WorldView-style bios for the twins + Killer. They're not canon, obviously XD

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Redoing Falaina's clothes, and this time I'm way more satisfied with them!
I might add something to the legs tbh, we shall see! For now, I'm in love with the colours!

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hello! im alaina im bi and i draw 😈😈🙌

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Just a quick sketch, but I will probably fginish it because I'm IN LOVE with her expression.
Quote from Addams Family Values.
Falaina is both asexual and aromantic.
She is basically a litch, an immortal undead who probably raised the best minds in Eriu history.

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En: Toying around with an idea for a Scottish postage stamp design
Sc: Ployin aboot wi a thocht for a Scots post stamp design
Gl: A’ cluich mun cuairt le beachd airson dealbhadh stampa postachd Albannach

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Commission 1/3 finished!

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