New drawing coming on. “Night time in the Chicken House” Larger than life hen’s head is 20cm long - a bit scary!

5 12

Compositional sketch - sheep running for their feed

4 30

Meine Lieblingstierart, die Lemuren, habe ich nicht als Emoji gefunden. Die anderen Tiere, die ich gezeichnet habe, mag ich natürlich auch 🥰

4 15

Just heard of Does my sketch of my friend's cat count?

0 3

Nr. 5
E wie Elch.
Aus der Liste von und aus der Konserve (#animalmarch 2019).

5 19

A bit too late for but this is the card I made for my husband for our wedding anniversary yesterday. I’m not showing you the soppy words inside 😀 Thanks to the online reference photo from marlisbennet

3 22

Sketching the deer on the hill - finding their shape hard after so much sheep sketching

1 6

Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on, but you keep going anyway. - Anonymous. Quick pencil sketch this evening of a

13 54

dog days. From a photograph because we are We’ll be back when this calamity is over x

3 9