Kem if he were in as a Survivor.
(He gonna get his ass murdered.)

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Finally utilized a character I adopted a while back.
I turned him into a cute goth witch boy who REALLY wishes he had "creepy goth powers" related to The Dead and such, but, instead, he makes flowers grow.
I love him. His name is Rudicoy.

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Finished redesigning a critter I adopted from someone on ToyHouse.
I turned it into some kind of lake deity.

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So, is it cheating if you just kinda... copy and paste and flip a headshot? 'Cause they're twins...? XD;;;
Here is Elladan and Elrohir from Lord of the Rings, Elrond's other children.
A birthday present for my buddy TheTimelessCycle on The Internet

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Been playing a ton of lately. SO, naturally, I made yet another alternate Kem, this time as a Killer for DBD! (Also has a Survivor vers)
He turns into a creepy monster for his special power.
Think kinda like Oni when he goes Super!Oni. XD

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