Up late, might as well post another one of my old works I decided to revisit for the new year. First one is old, second is new.

14 49

"Where's my Alita sequel!?"

Alita wants her sequel, y'all. Show the love for her! Lol.
Hope you like this piece of mine. ;)

16 55


& angel alita 1/12




1 11

Another finished commission!

25 102

It's 9/9 😁 A fun simple digital piece for the occasion 😊

Show some appreciation and buy on home video

38 169

More progress on Doll Body 😁 Don't think I'll make it for the Blu-ray release 😭 But, while I work get the Blu-ray 😁 out now on digital, 7/23 on Blu-ray!

29 118

Progress report. Moving slow with Alita Doll Body. Can I make it to the Blu-ray release date on 7/23? I hope! Skip sleep and lots of energy drinks!

out now on digital 😁

42 176

Chibi loves 🍫 chocolate 🍫

on digital out soon on July 9 Blu-ray/DVD July 23! Be sure to support this movie to get that sequel 😊

73 218

drawing from the time lapse vid 😊 Tweaked a little 😁 A glimpse of her former and newer self

65 246