Next week, I'll probably be able to color again since I'm getting a lot better now! Probably the next cat buster I'll draw will be Bridget or Yuno, and then we'll work towards the more intricate cats later! Also next week, we'll also do the High School Uniform Beatcats!
@sanrioenjoyidol Beatcats来てほしいです(できれば5人で…ミアちゃんのみの濃いピンク(ビビットピンクみたいな?)でもオッケーです!!!)
「Nyaightmare Party」の衣装お気に入りなんです💚
#Beatcats #ビートキャッツ
Before you post ask yourself if it relates to Rico from the minor sanrio property Beatcats and otherwise simply keep it to yourself
i decided to surgically remove my brain and replace everything in there with Rico from the minor sanrio property Beatcats. i hope you understand