Butterflies in the park, and elsewhere: Surinaamsche vlinders : naar het leven geteekend = Papillons de Surinam dessinés d'après nature, by Jan Sepp.....BHL/Smithsonian, 1848-53........https://t.co/24MQYFjGVs

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe :ou descriptions et figures des plantes les plus rares ... by L Van Houtte, vol 23, 1980, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden.......https://t.co/vlUHRnmtO8

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Natural history illustration and the park: The wonders of the animal kingdom : exhibiting delineations of the most distinguished wild animals in the various menageries of this country, by R Huish, 1830, BHL/Smithsonian https://t.co/zqUqdpRbAb

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Botanical illustration and the park: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, v.42, no 1726, 1815.......several vols, 1803-1906....BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden....... https://t.co/LqEDKTIQ1T

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Natural history illustration and the park: Descriptiones et icones amphibiorum, by JG Wagler, 1833, BHL/Smithsonian....... https://t.co/HQmUzTXnJQ

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Soundscapes and the park: Sonic blooming, biodata sonification, by Crystal Cortez......... https://t.co/7kjHSOE9LG (Image: BHL)

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Birds in the park; Birds through the year, by Winifred Austen et al....... 1922, BHL/AMNH...... https://t.co/81aqqmgY4k

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Botanical illustration and the park: Herbier de la France; ou, Collection complette des plantes indigenes de ce royaume; avec leurs proprie´te´s, et leurs usages en medecine, by P Bulliard....1780-93, BHL/NYBG https://t.co/DnECXOfsxe

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: A selection of the birds of Brazil and Mexico..... the drawings, by William Swainson.....1841, BHL/Harvard......https://t.co/xaDCHvfI0M

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Botanical illustration and the park: Revue Horticole, Anne 1861..........BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden........https://t.co/oHc9RCEHzD

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Botanical illustration and the park: Revue Horticole, ser.4:t3, 1854..........BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden.....https://t.co/F9ugTqgxes

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: Report on the birds of Pennsylvania. With special reference to the food-habits, by BH Warren, 1888, BHL/Smithsonian.....https://t.co/fASeYbRJQ0

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Plants of the park, and elsewhere.......... carrion plants, Stapelia hirsuta ...... https://t.co/QDRSe8JNCt (Image: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: New rare and beautiful flowers, from John Lewis Childs nurseries.....BHL/New York Botanical Garden, 1888- 1905 .....

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Fungi in the park, and elsewhere: Current knowledge, status, and future for plant and fungal diversity in Great Britain and the UK Overseas Territories.........https://t.co/uBXvJoxwyD (Images: BHL)

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: The birds of Singapore Island, by John AS Bucknill et al, 1927, BHL/National Library Board Singapore, https://t.co/hjPnpQ5htp

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Birds in the park: Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs, by GL Huth et al, 9 parts, 1768-1776....BHL/Smithsonian.... https://t.co/pKC8j5rKuS

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Osprey in the park: unlikely........ perhaps they will not survive in this country at all...........(Images: BHL)

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Farming and the park: To till or not to till in a temperate ecosystem? Implications for climate change mitigation........𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘦 https://t.co/ab431BztIJ (Image: BHL)

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: nestbox cam in Dusseldorf......... https://t.co/2m0N7UUgJU (Image: BHL)

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