2- For Elizabeth "Zaza" Von Gloom, I drew a lady in a victorian dress, then decided she was Bluebeard's seventh wife. Which lead me to create her 6 sisters who had been Bluebeards wives before Elizabeth. And the story expanded weirdly XD

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If you adore the beautiful-yet-unnerving art in here's some links to our wonderful artists!
Check out : https://t.co/aRAmqLPPhM
Our other layout person ;)

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Bluebeard's Wives. We celebrate by looking at the darker side of fairytales.

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bluebeard、NAHT、TURTLE ISLANDなどで活躍をしてきたGeorge Bodmanと、envyのDairoku Sekiから成る”STORM OF VOID”!! デビュー・アルバムが9月20日リリース!

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Now blog post: My new BLUEBEARD movie https://t.co/uFpIekw9wz

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Another piece I made for new game Bluebeard's Bride! Check it out if you're into

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After about 9 hours the 3D model for Captain Bluebeard is finally done!

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