That's explain Artwork 😢😩
After 25 years they didn't get together 💔 even with Rebecca
Jill didn't meet Claire or Leon 😑
What is Capcom thinking 🙄
Only Ethan 😒
Chris his Bodyguard ✌️🙂

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The Director said it won't be the only series so
I hope in 30th Anniversary
RE1 Remake in RE Engine
STARS Anime Series 🔥
story of STARS Members before going to Arkley Mountain

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RE4 is a big game
I think they will try to surpass the Original like RE1R, they can't just make a normal remake like RE2R & RE3R, for us RE Classics are the Best but for Capcom the game that sells more like RE4

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You know some players didn't even play RE1 so they don't know the Story of Jill & Umbrella, they were like experiments in the Mansion, that's why Jill was dreaming Nightmares at the beginning of RE3R
Artwork by shena

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