Meeting of princess, 1883
Fyodor Bronnikov.

1 6

Abandoned (1873) by Fyodor Bronnikov (Russia, 1827-1902).

20 97

thanks for following! You might also like my other account - Fyodor Bronnikov . Cheers,

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, this is , I run this account. Please help me to expose more people to art on Twitter. Consider giving Fyodor Bronnikov a follow 🙏

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, hey there. This is and in addition to this account I also run the account for Fyodor Bronnikov . Check it out

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welcome to the community! Please consider following Fyodor Bronnikov . Thanks,

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, if you want even more goodness in your feed check out Fyodor Bronnikov . 🙏

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She had seen Bronn fight on the high road; it was no accident that he had survived the journey while other men had died. He moved like a panther, and that ugly sword of his seemed a part of his arm.

-Catelyn Stark

20 155

, thanks for following! You might also like Fyodor Bronnikov 😉

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Bronn del Aguasnegras ➤ Sablepistolero (GNB)

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My reaction when I watched last weeks GoT episode. 😨🐲🔥
I'm always inspired by expressive faces. Send me you best expressions and I'll pick a few to draw. :) .

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, thanks for following! You might also like Fyodor Bronnikov 😉

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Huillam d'Averc (Eternal Champion series / Hawkmoon)

この絵だと、Game of Thrones の Bronn そっくりだ

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Cersei's asleep Post Bronn Pics!
had 30 mins to kill before the ep, hopefully there's time during to make it look less Garbo lmao

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