Gustave Caillebotte landscapes

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Caillebotte se enfocaba en pintar la realidad tal cual como existía y la visualizaba con la esperanza de reducir la teatralidad inherente de la pintura. Tal vez por su relación cercana con los pintores de su época, su estilo y técnica varían considerablemente en su obra pictórica

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El jardín, 1887
Gustave Caillebotte instaló el caballete en el jardín y parque ubicados en el complejo familiar en "Yerres -Patrimonio Caillebotte"- a las afueras de París. Allí, durante los veranos, pintó cerca de 90 cuadros.

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Gustave Caillebotte

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Lunch time now. Here is a gentle and relaxing painting by a favourite of mine Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1895) He didn’t live long but he painted and was a Patron of the arts too Back Later ,😊

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C’est ici que le Caillebotte planta son chevalet en plein air, peignant près de 90 toiles au cours des étés des années 1870, au bord de l'Yerres

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"No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gustave Caillebotte

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L: Gustave Caillebotte, Traffic Island, Boulevard Haussmann, c. 1880; R: Milt Gross, panel from Count Screwloose of Tooloose, 1931

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Centering his activity in the village of Kervilahouen on the Atlantic side of the island, he wrote to fellow Impressionist Caillebotte, “I’ve been here a month, and I’m grinding away; I’m in a magnificent region of wilderness... Claude Monet 1886

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congrats on your great taste in Twitter accounts! It would be even more impressive if you followed Gustave Caillebotte , too 😉 Cheers,

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