Camgirl Comic Strip

Cammie is still new to camming, so she has yet to develop her proper spank butt callus. :p

A few people have asked about a strip collection. I may do that when I hit 30 strips. I'm also working on a Day in the Life book with Cammie. More on that soon!

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Papa Joel & Ellie with Callus ❤️💛💚
This one took me quite some time with all the details! A really fun one to imagine with all of them together, happy and carefree.

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attention to detail is amazing. Did anyone else notice Zeb has time calluses on his hands?

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Alright so I had to preform surgery on spike. Hoping he is able to Callus over and grow roots. He was pretty rotten. I AM A BAD PLANT MOM!

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At Sheffield Doc Fest? See TheyCallUsMaids our , & say hello to us! til Wed + online

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"Espar... is a cruel, cold, callus, calculating psychopath." An uncommon print:

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