"I hope u can let this go, I hope u can see ur way clear of letting this go, 2 letting Flynn go, he's a good guy" -Trump

232 398

"James Comey, Super Troll" posted by Georg Pedersen: https://t.co/uAOWkaoaM1

0 0

Gerald Scarfe on the sacking of the FBI director James Comey by Donald Trump – political cartoon gallery

30 38

Day 114: In which we witness the backfire of coerced fealty.

13 12

Don't miss my toon on President Trump and James Comey: https://t.co/LOE09UWLFz

12 13

Daily Drawing 2314: I overheard Chris Matthews say this today referring to the current Drump - Comey disaster.

1 2

Is putting party before country by not investigating the Of course not. Country first.

6 8

FBI's James Comey stars next mondays cover / artwork by / art editor

13 29

My biggest investigation: does salad taste good or not!

1 7

The Nixonian twist - Trump sacks Comey - you just can't make this stuff up.

75 200

Spicer taking questions about Comey firing. In the dark. To hide shame?

4 13

The Nixonian twist - Trump sacks Comey - you just can't make this stuff up.

29 36

America needs a hero...and his name is FBI Agent Burt Macklin

571 1585