Imma give you an underdog (excuse the pun) just like cooldogs were when we first bought them.
- Everybody loves a good turkey 🦃

0 1

Hello all, please welcome
His Royal Coolness!

Please stay seated as he has no need to play the boss. Being part of the awesome community is all he wants. His tattoos mark our great victories. Next tattoo for 1 Eth floor or for OS verfication?

15 76

In addition to the fact that I like dogs, the are perfectly designed graphically. I love this NFT project!

23 53

The last vampire hunter in middle dogworld is dogerous and smells like poo spirit… he’s Bladog!

5 30

I'm so proud that I can be a part of the family - 🐕❤️

13 62

Had to change my pfp in honor of joining the family! This community is amazing and we are just getting started🐶📈
Should I pick up a few more?!?

28 85

Am i gonna play or flying to the moon? Joker, and propeller on the head thats all need!

45 162

What a 24 hours it’s been for officially jumps on board, volume and floor sky rocket, multiple 1eth+ sales, and awesome roadmap/utility updates for the doggos! Great community and looking forward to the weeks ahead!! All abooarddd.

24 61

I`m a punk now.
show some luuv 😍
to the moon!🦴🚀

23 95

Did I just get another yes I did. Say hi to Santa Doggo! May he bring good things for this crypto market and deliver the luck we all need right now.

19 77

Welp you kept your word, so I'mma keep mine. 6eye flex baby. LETS GO !!! AWOOOO

26 96

My bros over at are growing fast AF and there collection is about to blow up get in while you still can at cool prices mad respect for there whole community

35 104

So beat AND to the punch?! Sheeeeeesh!! Well maybe one of the biggest social media platforms in the universe knows a thing or two about welcome to the family Twitter! 🐶🐦

22 55

Picked up my 4th dog after Twitter bought a dog!

Let me know which one is your favourite? Awooo

21 77

Where are all my dogs at let’s follow each other and grow 📈🐶

26 83

Twitter tweeting they like ? Say less fam. My last 2 were snipes and I had to continue the trend tonight with the doggos. Beautiful rank 260 for the cheapies. WHERE MY DOGS AT?! AWOOOOO

28 70