Heaven’s great hallways and Hell’s grimy hovels are both mortal torture.

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A General must be patient, this I understand. But as a mentor, Demithyle stifles me, limits me, WASTES our fleeting moments!

1 23

Grist… do you suppose this maze has an end? And how many more trap doors can one dungeon have?

1 16

I don’t suppose you’ll be needing your etherea anymore… come on, don’t be greedy!

​Read about the making of this incredible painting at: https://t.co/wXy8MBx9L0

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One treacherous sinister whisper can spiral into a scream… So bite your tongue and bide your time.

2 15

My blades hear nothing of atonement nor redemption. They only hear the bell of final judgement.

1 22

Come one, come all, come remember with me! Experience The Theater of Memories!

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It is not Gethsemoni’s creation, but her passion that gives her power.

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My mask hides nothing. No, it reveals my thoughts. It reveals my truth.

3 18

What little good it does you to run. And yet, how fun it makes the CHASE!

5 23

My distance from you is my plight, yet the Mortal Realm brings SUCH delight…

5 27

Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, the first sword of Death swings her blade towards the Risen Reaper General!

Will the vengeful rage of Kier overpower the deep hunger for battle of Mortighull? Cast your votes in the comments below.

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BEHOLD: The Underworld: https://t.co/7Eh9BkNa2q

“I've never been involved with such an intense and thorough world-building exercise as The Chronicle. It's a 50% artbook and 50% universe handbook." - Anna Van Slee, brand director.

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Glory isn’t gifted. It’s clawed from the throat of the enemy.

2 12

Which note must I sing to capture your heart? Which melody gives you hope, old friend?

0 11

Angels glow like kindling, and my rage flares like a bonfire.

1 19

I am called the Great Oracle, yet you deny my prophecy.

0 10

Titles have never been my gloom... I beg you my dear, sweet children. I am your mother as much as I am your Queen. Call me by name. 𝓖𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓲.

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The Fostermurden are the Caretakers of the Stray and lost souls of the Underworld, often working in HushHyde.


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“Grip your heart, and feel its beat, for my sword shall end its rhythm.”

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