Creation of Adam is on hold to create survival during Covid19. When Michelangelo thought to keep 1 meter safe distance ...

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The way I cope with traumatic experiences is to make art. This is even true for I suppose my stream agrees because I would not have made this without their push, but here's my version of Ronnie

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. alumnus-led team uses to predict that drug will interact with human protein involved in infection. If validated pre-clinically, could mean acute treatment for

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alumnus-led team uses to predict that drug will interact with human protein involved in infection. If validated pre-clinically, could mean acute treatment for

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Our students studying via SSG are undertaking virtual placements with local businesses during They have regular online meetings w/ employers about the virus' impact & undertake tasks at home to support them (research, social media, web reviews)

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My 5 yo daughter: We all have a “Melody” rainbow fairy inside, she shrinks as we get older. At the end of our 🌈, we die. Earth also has a “Melody” but when mankind hurts the planet, the🌈fairy fights back, poisoning humans. Something to think about...

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Many are off because of has been started by artist Matthew Burrows. We post images of work for sale for up to £200 each excl P&P. I sell 1k, I pledge to buy £200 art from another artist. These are all £30 each - message for info.

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❗️Los frente al Gracias, S. Gallego-Díaz , , F. Rosell , , , y J.A. Antón por vuestro testimonio. regístrate para acceso gratuito 👇

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Tone deaf& maskLESS willfully ignores guidance, wipes her nose, touches a communal Congressional podium& laments over the impact of still demanding YOU stay unemployed in quarantine🙄

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Many countries are thinking about their exit & recovery strategy after
In our 6th recommended action, we urge the EU to set up a coordinated plan with the European Pillar of & the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals at the centre.

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¿Nos ayudáis a crear el plano de la ciudad de ¿y si os decimos que es por una buena causa?
Incluiremos un edificio por cada donación que hagáis y la recaudación será transferida a una ONG como ayuda por la emergencia del COVID19. Pronto ampliaremos información 😉

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Ketika ini, nama Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah semakin dikenali ramai sebagai watak penting negara dalam peranannya mengendalikan wabak

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to help your neighbours in need during Call (416) 532-4828, email or visit to learn more and sign up. Together, we'll get through this.

(And thanks to for the incredible art for our campaign.)

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My students are currently working on projects from an Each one is somehow connected to our current situation of and It’s so fun to see which projects they are choosing to do at home!

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Come se non bastasse il Covid19. Anche i "Pulcini Assassini", adesso!
Dove andremo a finire di questo passo? DOVEEHH?!1!!
Restate sintonizzati e lo saprete!

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Je lance un projet de mise en lumière des libraires et des éditeurs français pendant et après la crise du Covid19.
En remplissant le formulaire vous me permettrez de créer un visuel reprenant vos réponses.
RT un max svp

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Un nuevo caído por culpa del Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 se ha retrasado indefinidamente... 😭

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Try to avoid eating foods that contain “fast carbs,” such as refined grains, starches, corn and sugar during Foods like chips and cookies can short-circuit our biology and accelerate the onset of and heart disease.

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