Han&Leia and Poe&Rey could quarrel a lot (every time!), Leia/Rey could call Han/Poe "laser brain"/"difficullt man. But small hand touch or gentle hand squeeze tells all truth.

6 22

Hot argument and the Falcon in fire on the background.
Fire and sparks are everywhere🔥✨
And their lines... damn they are almost the same! 😂
And poor BeeBee lol

4 45

Well, people who say Poe and Rey don't like each other cuz they arguing all the time....well, lets remember what Han and Leia usually did all 3 years since their first meeting before the first kiss.

4 19

"It’s like poetry, it rhymes."
Lol, Rey and Poe really have this Han&Leia energy🔥

8 54

Rey: "You know you are.."
Poe: "What?"
Rey: "..difficult. Really difficult. You’re a difficult man"
Poe: "And you are...aghhh"

Rey said 'man', not 'person'. And her playful smile 👀 Poe is speechless🤣


8 62

“As Poe’s responsibilities have changed and he spends less time in an X-wing, he has asked his droid to keep the increasingly isolated Rey company. BB-8 carries out his assignment with enthusiasm.” VD

Poe cares about Rey a lot😭

3 35

Rey and Poe are BB-8 disaster parents. It's canon now!
And don't forget, BB-8 is still Poe's droid. If Rey wants BeeBee, Poe comes bundled.😂

9 56

Sometimes artists make Shara and Rey VERY alike
Shara is a perfect hero for Poe. He admires her. And Rey personifies the image of Shara – her spirit, bravery, pilot skills.
Poe finally met his hero woman like he Mom was and he won't let her go ❤️

5 19

Today is a good day for shippers. We got a lot of Daisy and Oscar content, Poe and Rey are next to each other on cover again and JJ convinced me once again that he hides everything about Poe and Rey relationships 👀

2 23

"Rey reached for her stuff before it could hit, reflexes lightning-fast. Poe whistled low in appreciation. She flushed, embarrassed." Resistance Reborn

Poe and Rey's abilities. This man is in love😍

8 25

D-O is Rey's droid (BeeBee made him for his Mommy Rey 🤗).
And I guess D-O found his Daddy 👀
BeeBee found Mom in Rey, D-O found Dad in Poe. family is complete 👌

1 15

Don't forget about these Star Wars posters.

They have solid logic. So, it’s possible that:
1. Zorii is a traitor
2. Poe is love interest for Rey
3. Han and Leia are Rey’s parents (#ReySolo theory❤️)

0 4

Poe, when he sees Rey 🤩
Amazement, numbness....he cannot look away (at slying rocks), he stares right at Rey!

1 14

One can say that Poe is with Resistance leaders. But why Commander Tico is not with him? And is R2 a commander?
called Rey and Poe lights. And they both have similar parallel plot lines in TFA and TLJ, with same experience.

0 5

Poe, Rey and their problems with no engaging

Leia told Poe do not engage the enemy:
Poe: "I don't want engage you...just pointing my blaster at these explosives"
Kaz: "That is technically engaging"
Poe: "...Kaz, prepare to engage."

And now Rey😅

3 12

Rey always dreamt to meet a real Resistance pilot. And Poe is the best one. He is almost like a hero from fairy tales for her. And I think Poe always wanted to have a love story like his parents had: two rebells fall in love in each other.

2 21