"Mrs beaver"

Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches
The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 3

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 2

We danced. Once upon a time. Under the where we shared our first kiss. Promises of love whispered against my ear. You held me. Our bodies so close, I could feel you across every inch of my skin. Every beat of your heart thrummed against my own. I fell into you. Whole. Alive

23 134

if you've ever danced, have you ever felt like you were flying?



5 11

I'm a bit late posting this on here sorry. This was challenging and I look at it and see many flaws, but I had a good time making it.

7 33

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 1

"Mrs beaver"

Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches
The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

2 6


15 41

✨ Lotus
I am the lotus that blossomed in the swamp of time and saw stillness and Darkness From the Swamp But danced at reclusion of Swamp . https://t.co/Fg7X8LMRdD
0.25 $ETH

7 15

"Mrs beaver"

Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches
The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

7 14

I had a dream where you were mine, as we danced at the light of the moon, I cried; this is not real, this is not you.

I like this piece, it has such a cool vibe...

4 8

Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. 'He is too selfish,' she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.

🎨Lisbeth Zwerger

13 29

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 1

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

5 10

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 1

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

2 7

Have you ever danced with the devil be the pale moon light?


0 2

Mrs beaver
Mrs. Samur today
Arrange her “Haft Sin”
With taste and accuracy
Apples, greens and elm
Garlic, coins and watches

The last “Sin” was short
she remembered her name
Went in the middle, quiet
she danced between them
0.2 $ETH

0 0