Kami bersama para barisan hadapan! Ayuh semua! Baik yang diatas mahupun yang dibawah! Bersama, kita pasti menang!
We are with the frontliners! Come on everyone! Above and below! Together, we will definitely win!

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มาตีน้องแป้ง @.PiyadaPang2648 คืนค่ะ ไม่ยอมให้โดนตีฝ่ายเดียวหรอกนะคะ 😔💕

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Hi for those yang duduk di Bukit Rimau, Bukit Naga, Jln Kebun and nearby areas, Klinik Aurora Bukit Rimau ada menyediakan Food Bank di hadapan klinik.
“Please take what you need” ❤️
Bg yg ingin membantu, anda boleh meletakkan bantuan di rak yg disediakan.

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My first commission ever from @/DaPandaBanda. They did such a great job, and I just love this to pieces. <3 My day has been made! ^^

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The character in question. The self important Eitho'ilos o Aegen Eldapand, of the respectable Eldapand family - keepers of the Far North's Librarium.

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I got my kofi comm from @/DaPandaBanda ...!! They're so small. i love them so much. please view

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Minion Kiri has arrived!
She's so cute, I absolutely love her in this style!
A wonderful commission by @/DaPandaBanda! Definitely a little bit of serotonin I needed this week 😭😭😭

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Tbh, i've been only sending drawings and Discord cuz no reason actually so im gonna send all of it here Some are request and some are just. random stuff or B-Day presents
The requests are from @/TheAmandaPanda_ and a B-Day present I made for @/zketcherz and a robot i made for fun

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X-Venture Dinosaur - Ancaman dari Hewan Modern

Selagi para hewan berevolusi untuk sepenuhnya mengambil alih kekuasaan dinosaurus, para Penjelajah X-Venture berhadapan dengan makhluk yang terlihat sangat tidak asing!

Info: https://t.co/eSbs0jBFJy

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episode 17 bagian pertama baru saja UPDATE!

Maitreya akan "berhadapan" dengan Midori, orang yang paling kontra terhadap keberadaannya di Institut Masakizura di Jepang. Bagaimanakah perseteruan ini akan berakhir?

Cek 👇

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Hatake Sakumo, salah satu Shinobi Konoha yang namanya tak pudar jika disandingkan dengan para Sannin Legendaris. Ia adalah Shinobi yang peka terhadap potensi seseorang.

Bahkan saat pertama kali bertemu dengan Guy yang masih anak-anak,ia seolah melihat shinobi kuat dihadapannya.

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Fiz uma caricatura da Mayra Pinheiro na

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I got too many ships but might as well do two
1st is my Oc Ace paired with my friend ( @/TheAmandaPanda_ )'s oc Hannah, they're a Canon pairing in my main comic (he's with another in my AU)
2nd is my Oc Syn paired with my bf's main sona Ouro (art by @/zketcherz) they hubby & wife

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Fantástico mundo do negacionismo do negacionismo de Pazuzu e sua trupe!

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Qualquer semelhança NÃO é mera coincidência!

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Ah oh eh ihhh! Ernesto Araújo tentando se manter vivo na CPI da Covid.

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Depoimento de Fabio Wajngarten na CPI da Covid.

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Raya sendiri akibat pkp. Tapi terasa ramai.

Diramaikan solidariti bersama barisan hadapan, bersama Palestin, bersama mereka yg diuji covid.

Membuktikan Rumi: Kita bukan umpama setitis air dlm lautan luas. Tapi satu lautan dlm setitis air.

Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.

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No me gustan este tipos de peleas, pero ta gracioso, y también quería dibujar a su tricky que está muy cute.
El diseño es de y DaPandu que no tiene tuita.

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