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Getting my dick so hard rn at some bare squirrel titty https://t.co/NBjrUR2318

8 39

dick facing the world

115 1216

The forces of nature count as one, im just not crazy about the human designs . Also the casform forms are cute i just really dislike base casform. Dick and balls. https://t.co/rq2kABvH01

0 6

you know i was just reminiscing on this talkloid (the utau bug one), and fun fact ruko was going to wear a shirt that said "BIG DICK IS BACK IN TOWN" but i thought it was too inappropriate and changed it to this LAKJEFKLAEJF

1 11

Dr. Eggman: What the fuck, is that Iscream's dick!?

45 934

Per usual, Dean was indulging himself by being a dick. And a price for that was to be paid by Sam's ass, that painfully hit the ground. Cause siblings are like that. To trip someone (especially Sam) up was for Dean the greatest joke ever, so he burst out laughing.

4 18

Where did that fungi dick come from

0 1

Twirls my hair heeeyyy so since yall saw my dick getting wet yall might as well follow since i make banger art

2 17

knock dick memes (or awkward photo redraws)

115 1019

Tim Drake gets called the boring Robin because so many adaptations skipped over his stories, you just actually have to read the comics to understand why people love him so much

Meanwhile casual fans could probably easily tell you the basics of Dick, Jason, and Damian's stories

242 2332

I had an idea that Dick's circus outfit is his classic outfit, but when taking revenge on Tony Zucco he takes inspiration from Zorro, wielding a sword and a gun, wearing a Nightwing-colored cloak over his circus outfit, waiting to reveal himself to Zucco before Batman stops him.

0 11

Something about Travis Moore's Dick Grayson makes me foam at the mouth. 💥🫦such a pretty boy

0 1

Riften from the manhwa Under the Oak Tree


Pardon when I say...I want to choke on his dick 🤤

3 6

There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath…

—Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
art by Sebastian Giacobino

31 120

"Dick Whittington and his Cat - Very poor boy" NFT

0.4 ETH ⏰⏳
100 items on Sale! Totally 10K items minted✅🍃☕️

OpenSea: https://t.co/bfLPNPpJj6

0 4

ugly hands but whatever. free dick hugs

120 677