Day 8: Dodrio and Doduo
Stylizing these guys is so fun! I love how goofy their designs are

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84 - Doduo
Type: Normal/Flying

It lives on a grassy plain where it can see a long way. If it sees an enemy, it runs away at 60 mph.

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84 - Doduo
Type: Normal/Flying

It lives on a grassy plain where it can see a long way. If it sees an enemy, it runs away at 60 mph.

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Beta Azumarill:

Azumarill's earliest design was very different. However, gold might've never been intended as its final color, but was just using Baby Doduo's color palette as a placeholder.

1. Beta sprite recreation by
2. Beta sprite, final sprite
3. Final artwork

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Yeah doduo spam

this my child, but I fusioned them with icognito in the pkmn arpg I am in, to give them more of a Patapon look uhm

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Doduos are one of my favourite birds now

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11. borgar, sushi
12. penguins, capybara, doduo
13. Yuki Kajiura - My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep
14. sao alicization WoU 15. Lizbeth sounds like Chris
15. anime ops/eds
16. The killers, may'n, egoist, walkure, symphogear
17. night

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Wtf doduo en la ruta 201
El menú se abre al START y no a la X
Las pantallas de carga del menú son muuy largas
El mapa tiene menos detalles como lagos y cuevas

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84 - Doduo
Type: Normal/Flying

It lives on a grassy plain where it can see a long way. If it sees an enemy, it runs away at 60 mph.

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Doduo adopts I made in an ARPG jajkm,adsj

baby burds and my first brood in the group

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I saw it and got an idea for my doduo TaiBo. May they sleep well!

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may i introduce you to doduo chicken?

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Mercury the Naughty Doduo. I’ve never loved this Pokémon, but this character design is changing my mind!

Check out my Nuzlocke challenge on Twitch every Wednesday at 5pm PST.

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