

21 136

Finally finished Fanart of my Megami!
Really like her because the elf onee-san vibes is really captivate.

30 166

Ready for derivative works.
enemy? rival? Sister?
You are free to decide💥
You decide the relationship between origin#04002 and MEGAMI#04072❣️


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This is fan art for the MEGAMI project.

My MEGAMI is an angelic JK. 👼✨
I am sure she flies and goes to school.

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ちょっとだけ他の方々をhideさせてもらって…うちの自慢のMEGAMIちゃんとさいとう先生を並べてぱしゃりしました( ∩ー̀֊ー́📷⊂ )

0 4

These are my Megami's. Welcome to the second creation!

4 13

If you had a crush on my MEGAMIs, derivative works are welcome!! 😆Please expand the world of my MEGAMIs🙏🙏🙏

I would appreciate it if you could menshion me when you create a derivative work🙇‍♂️

2 11

I love my Megami so much, then I want them to be alive and shine as much as possible.
So... Feel free to draw my Megami !!
Just tag me, I want to help sharing them !!

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feel free to use my megami for any artwork. you can mint the piece. no need to ask for my permission, but you can tag me so i can help promote your art 💖

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5704ちゃん ビビッときた方ぜひ⸜❤︎⸝‍

2 22

突発的に を思いついたんだけど、実は以前から名だたるコレクターさんが自分の固定キャラを持ってるのに憧れていて、うち何人かは保有しているuwuがもとになっていると最近知って、私もこのMegamiで認知されたいなと思ったのよね。


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