mēdren, adj: maternal, (of lineage) on the mother's side. (MAY-dren) Image: French Book of Hours, c. 1440; MS M.63, f. 65r.

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Artist Alley Announcement! New to Cecil Con is James Mascia, owner of Dren Productions LLC. He has written books and comics, including "The Poe Murders" and "High School Heroes." He also designs silly mashup and parody art prints of various pop-culture icons.
DeviantArt: jmascia

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I had a thought/daydream about my OC Dren’s mother then tried to construct what she may look like. She’s his demon ancestry.

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Illustration for the Italian Tokyo Mew Mew FanBook!

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Quick doodle and colour of the twins 'cosplaying' as 's boys, Dren and Ethan~
Was curious to see what they would look like ;D

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Iforgottopostthese...Ethan and Dren have another friend! Say hi to the weird...Shee ovo"" (thisisoldsobearwith)

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Some of my sketches of Adult Male for

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