Very convenient: next to a shop in shopping centre Galerie du Palais, by Abraham Bosse, c. 1637 - 1638, coll.

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One critical note on the Pieter de Hooch exhibition in : it was a missed opportunity not to connect the typical red bricks, floor tiles and tiles of the building with the topic of the paintings.

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slipware dish with Adam, Eve and monster snake found in Enkhuizen: it looks even better when colours are inverted. C1605, coll.

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Some more gifts with inscriptions from North-Holland: perhaps similar ones can be interesting historic sources for genealogical research , coll. . One found in Graft, 'Marij Jacops 1688', one with: '(G)rietje anno 1694'

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One of the most beautiful slibware plates I have ever seen made in northern France or Flanders and found in Scotland, c.1612, coll.

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arthouse noir: singers in a sinister setting by Jan Somer, c.1655-1705, coll. probably members of a Dutch dramatic society.

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Never forget were it came from: hard working and creative person on guild cup, coll.

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Racked my brain as I knew I had seen it before: "Doctor Panurgus" curing the folly of his patients by Martin Droeshout, ca.1620, coll. I posted in 2013 and similar Italian majolica statue, ca. 1600, coll. via

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First Dutch archaeological excavation of a ship wreck took place in 1822: the find dated from 1593. The vessel was used during the Siege of Geertruidenberg. A model was made out of excavated wood from this

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city view changed forever: Korte Voorhout, by Jan de Bisschop, 1648 - 1671, and Google Streetview, c.2019.

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Image of the period in modern times: "Inn of Jan Steen" reconstruction at the Amsterdam in 1883 using original 16th and 17th c. fragments and items.

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doll for some, beaker for others. stoneware female figure, c.1550, coll. , labelled as doll. 1/2

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Friendly religious warning for party animals with a faded image of Resurrection of Jesus on stoneware jug broken in c.1550-1600, coll.

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Only room with complete gold leather decoration left in the Netherlands, Museum van Gijn, Dordrecht

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city view changed forever: view on with house of Huygens on the left, c.1690, coll. and Google Streetview, c.2018

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Portrait of goldsmith Wenzel Jamnitzer (1508-1585) coll. and some of his works in His speciality was casting after actual plants, animals and other objects, as he shows here with a statue.

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What is harder than painting a A depiction of a page of a burned vanitas still life with skull by master Sebastian Stoskopff, ca. 1631, coll. almost

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