Decent ppl aren't founders of right-wing media orgs staffed with known . Further there is a chance will b n Govt. We don't want a like racist like n the PMO ! They said Miller was decent fellow! 😋

1 2

knows the . wants a public lynching of . ; not a fair debate. Instead, I like to proposed to Hamish a Charity Boxing Match to settle the political differences! 😋

0 4

I've never seen people dressed in banana suits or chicken suits for a federal election b4 today. When your campaign manager is Hamish ,anything is possible! 😋

0 0

I'm still waiting for a tweet from and/or his media supporters that blames and/or the for today's weather! 😋

0 0

If the past record of you and your is any indication of your CON's actual plans for the future then we all you're lying again! 😋

5 3

With the Green Party surging in the polls, some people are worried about 'vote splitting'. Here's a video our campaign just released showing that vote splitting is a myth. Plz RT.

201 283

Cities of red and orange in a sea of blue

0 1

Last one! Every single vote makes a difference! If you haven’t done it yet, go out and vote!


1 0

Still plenty of time to smash Harper! Do it!!

1 1

Fitted in my Voted for , still working, ready to celebrate tonight

1 6

because I want a Prime Minister who's into fixing problems not elections

19 9

Harper shows real leadership by associating himself with great role model like... Rob Ford? 😂

3 5

Why does CPC govt hide so many big secrets Mr. Harper from Cdns? Whatdidyoudlo?

6 1

'Stephen the Money Manager Harper' 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..#VOTE

13 8