Segerrr~ Epel berendam dulu yaaa xD

Fanart cantik dari Kak garifu.kun (Instagram) >///<
Udah lama gak gambarin Epel yaa Kak ehehe x3
This is so stunning, I love it >,<
Thank you so much, keep up your great work~ (゚▽^)

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Fanart imut dari Kak tiaraminamoto_ (Instagram) >///<
Baju lama Epel ternyata banyak yang masih mau gambarin yaaa >,<
Epel jadi kangen baju lamaa uwu)
Makasih buat fanartnya yaaa, terus semangat berkarya~

2 21

Last but not least, we have another cute fanart from Chimaru_Id_Official (Instagram)~
I love how he color my hair (❁´◡`❁)
Keep up your artwork, I love it so much~ ヾ(^-^)ノ


1 16

Marathon Fanart~💙
Terimakasih buat semua fanartnya, banyak banget yang submit setiap harinya~
Kali ini gambar dari:
2. Anon
4. Fadiruu (IG)
>>next post

2 21

Dua gambar fanart dari Kak Azusama Kun dan Kak Iqbal Putrawansyah~
Jadii gambar pertama dari Kak Azu, terus Kak Iqbal izin buat remake~

Dua duanya lucu banget yaaa >///<
Makasih banyak buat fanartnya!
Epel sukaaaa banget sama gambarnya (❁´◡`❁)


10 45

🅱ery 🅱ery kyot dudel by 💙
Recently, tryna convert us to workship KFC's Double Down and it worked!
We love Double Down so much! >,<
My Bestie bought me one and sent it to my Virtual World~ uwu)
Now, I crave more.
Thank you for the fanart~

3 18

Take care of yourself, use mask or scarf~ put on your coat and have a nice day!
Fanart from Shishak (Facebook)
Thank you so much~~

3 26

Kegiatan keluarga hari ini.
Epel :kok beli makanan kucing, kita kan gak ada kucing dirumah ?.
Andi :ehh i,itu,, buat anak kita yang berubah jadi kucing.
Enji :loh?

2 13

Aw, this is so touching ;w;
Vtubers unite~!
From hybrid_breather_ on Instagram x3

Its Me, , Tessa senpai from Cerita Tessa, and Auntie Molly from Natsu Shoujo ID~
Yes, we won't be alone because you guys always beside and support us :"
Thank you so much~!

0 16

Met a little doggo this morning~
I dunno it's male or female because I didn't checked it. ;w;)

It barked and wagged its tail, so cuuuuttteeee~

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Marathon fanart post~ >///<)b
The first one from Rivvad on Facebook (❁´◡`❁)
At first pic with , and the second.. Well~~ xD
Apel Malang /plak
Tbank you so much for these arts~~

0 11

This is the best I can do 😹😹😹
I think I should put the for all my doodle onward even it's not my lame joke or fanart since I doodling everyday~
(๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و

2 23

What am I eating hereee? XD

Thank you for Tsuyumonia from Instagram who made this reaaaaly cute fanart~ I love the cat there TwT

0 11

Terbaikkkkkk xDDD
Saking bagusnya udah gak bisa berkata kata, tepok tangan ajaaaa TwT)
Makasih Kak Yoe Ki di Facebook yang udah bikinin inii (☆/>u</)


0 11

Di foto pake efek kuping kucing~~ x3
Makasih buat Kak Ikeh Karungin di Facebook~
Efek kamera jahat?

1 13

Epel jadi kunoichi?? 😱
Bukannya ngelempar shuriken, tar nyang ada Epel lempar receh lagi~ xD

Makasih banyak buat Kak Imam Baihaqi yang udah bikinin ini buat Epel yaaa~
Sukses terus gambarnyaaa x3

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