Hey everyone! With EqD turning eight very soon I wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you guys, new followers and old. You all have had an incredible impact in my life and I hope the next year brings even more great moments and adventures.<3

10 95

Kirinposting here instead since I got banned from EQD~


46 289

Since EQD just posted an article about CNBC. I deicide to repost one of my old art here. The con was actually already the 4th brony convention in China since 2015.

2 11

So... EQD's youtube channel got nuked for some reason. why you do this to us?

Apparently it was for spam or misleading practices? I'm stumped.

19 133

Postin pear brides cause paper bats wont upload while working on EQD ~ The EQD never ends!

26 152

So uuuh... a bunch of bootlegged merch has been popping up featuring art of EQD's mascot that I drew ages ago- just wanted to clarify that I don't know who's distributed these products, but I didn't consent to it so this is straight up art theft ._.

29 71

With the annoyances of the art theft aside, I bring good news too. I made it onto EqD for the second time!

0 1

Hasbro struck gold on this one. I've never seen a toy get pre-ordered so much on EQD. Incoming lots of starlight/trixie merch if this keeps up


54 243

New Post: Calling for Submissions! Send Stuff to EQD! https://t.co/JgjFqXL6Bg

13 64

EQD has the best banner right now!

So much bat~

Thanks !

25 126

EQD NATG Day 9 - Draw a pony in love
Twilight's first dictionary. :D

32 159

EQD NATG Day 7 - Modeling
Rarity tries out some styles of her mirrored self. I think argyle was a good choice. Mix it up from stripes. :)

20 127

Ponies for EQD's Newbie Artist Training Grounds! C:

1 11

Drawn for EQD's Newbie Training grounds! Lyra stretching. c:

0 12

EQD NATG Day 2 : In Motion
Pinkie's pretty psyched to not being forced to stand still like yesterday. :D

36 169

EQD NATG 2017 is a go!
Day 1 : Draw a pony standing. Excitement ahoy!

19 104

Dem poll results so far on EQD. The fandom has changed a lot in the last few years. It was like 25% in 2015

46 224

"I don't really look at human porn" - EQD Discord chat

Only in the 21st century would this line be used.

39 205

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by & Covers By 📸EQD

2 10

EQD comments so mean. Poor glims


21 118