I made some poster/teasers for fangames I'm currently working on as a little fun thing.

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ayo paid fangames??

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Dibujo en homenaje al Señor , Actor de voz en fangames fanduber, y primero en pasar mi fangame ANACS 2 Lost memory al 100%. Espero que tu talento en doblaje se pueda ver en mas fangames.

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Sonic Uprising is a fan project that unlike any other classic fangames focuses more on narrative, with upgraded movesets and tweaks to the formula.

While the narrative is a retooling of Sonic Forces, it takes it on a different direction, giving it a refresh new classic look.

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god im going through old tags on my tumblr blog and i miss when people used to go fucking nuts making joke fangames of popular media in rpgmaker or ren'py. i am not being sarcastic when i say this

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So many heat Sonic Fangames in development rn, even if a mania followup isn't in development, 2D Sonic fans are eating great!

Sonic Galactic, Sonic XG, S&K:Newtrogic Panic, Sonic Hysteria, Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit, Sonic Chaos, like whoa buddy
shits bright

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Hello World! This week we're continuing Devil May Cry 3, doing the dev thing, collabing with THEE and maybe playing some Sonic fangames. See you there!

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que sale mas rentable ser modder de fnf o creador de fangames de fnaf (pregunta seria)

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Did some fanart of fangames that I think are pretty neato.
Chomper from Chomper's, Henry Miller from Dayshift at Freddy's, and Lego Springtrap.

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Hey, does anyone remember Akane, that person who did those Yami no Matsuei and Death Note fangames?

Well, guess what, they've come back to make an Otome RPG game.

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People wanted me to share some of my older YNFG art on Twitter, so here ya go~

From 2012-2015... my vector art phase... also shout outs to Answered Prayers and LcdDem, still my favorite fangames

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I've been thinking about this A LOT
The Core creating a headspace for Marcy and that being like Yume Nikki(And fangames)
If you don't understand my writing please let me know

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El otro día empecé a jugar toda las saga de y me parecieron excelente fangames con una dificultad muy balanceada pero desafiante, para celebrarlo un dibujo de Grunkfuss the clown y Birthday Boy Blam.

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15, self-taught, mostly into yume nikki fangames and rhythm heaven but have been drawing a lot of endermen lately

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