I've been wanting to get a 3D printer just so I can make custom skins for my Switch. Using these characters
I still ship Rumble and Kled
Dillon's rolling western trillogy needs to come to switch
I main Wrestlers in FGs
Outbreak is the best resident evil game

1 13

Couldn't decide on three even then choosing four was hard, I play so many fgs lmao https://t.co/E5Cu4YoPh9

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Heya I'm Desn and THIS GUY loves to draw and play FGs

I mainly draw my OCs and Fanart, I like alot of stuff so there's gonna be lotta variety in my fanart

I'm tryna open comms soon but that's when I improve my art a metric fuckton

If ya like my art ya should follow me :yyy

7 27

I'm not really involved in the fgc but I am really into fighting games so heres works from fgs i love

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I'm always doing SF/FGs art, but this is the one piece I'm the proudest of.

4 21

A Fanart of OC "Jiulie" Glad you like'd it, Hopefully our FGs have a Crossover

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Two 3 AM quick warm-ups before I should fix my sleep schedule (yes, again) here's my obligatory fave SF lads + Oni from Slam Masters because I'd like to draw content for other FGs I've never done before. 🥺

11 23

Thank you for all what you've done. I may not be playing SFV anymore, but this game brought me back to playing FGs again and you were one of the peope who was responsible for the revival of the franchise. All the best.

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disclaimer: i havent played some fgs enough to have a set main, but i definitely enjoy them a lot. ie. sf, kof, and under night https://t.co/hyzO9hQ4Em

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Zoners have never been meta, and Ryu, the blueprint of FGs, zones

so no 💚

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Runner up definitely goes to Joudan, it's probably one of my favourite kicks in all of FGs tbh. Feels awesome every single time i land it

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Nice. With my slight familiarity with SNK, I love Fio, Shermie, Leona, King, Tarma, Ukyo, aaand prolly Marco/Tarma.

Mostly played Metal Slug growing up, but now that I've been getting into more and more FGs I started playing KoF '98 and Garou.

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when you only interact with twitter people who you know have footage of them playing FGs

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you know you've made it in life when you're top tier in 2 different FGs

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what do my mains say about me (i dont play fgs a lot but)

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We have lost one of most humble player ( ) that I have met during my traveling for FGs. My condolences for his friends, fellow FG buddies and especially his family.

I have known this player since 2016 and played against in various games

Rest in peace, good old friend

7 17

Introductory post~
I usually go by the name, Arcadium. Big fan of fate and an interest in fgs, mainly Undernight. Eltnum is the best. The art I mainly do is illustrations with some occasional graphic design. Besides fanart, I have my personal project called Arcadium Knights.

7 16

Might as well give the PSA again since the contest has brought new faces in:

Hi, I'm Chou! I play a handful of games in free time, work doing radio stuff, casually appreciate FGs, and you'll find me RTing:
-cute/nice art
-FG stuff

It's a pleasure to meet you!

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