FINALLY I DREW THEM! !! you guys don't know how much i love them i will sacrifice my life to protect this two
Designs by and ❤️

31 271

AU by

They are so cute.... I love how Benji n Engram draw interactive of them.....👉👈 and TAKE THIS!!!Hope u two like the fanarts !!!!

314 2129

I just want to add their son in l- *cough* BF in that family pic and then I AWE you so smol demon boi Pleading 🥺🥺🥺

look at that smol boi Pleading 🥺💦

re-post cuz of my dumb mistake I hate you TWITTER why you don't have an editing option👊

153 1092

Angel family! Angel Mom & Angel Dad
and some details about them, they will appear in some part of the story in the future 😆

cooperation AU with

128 879