# macgregormathers fellowcraft freemasons masonic goldendawn occult occultism christopherwren architect royalsociety london knight knighthood history onthisday otd travissimpkins art portrait sketch richardganion valleyofdayton scottishrite scottishritenmj 33rddegree supremecouncil grandlodgeofohio yorkrite knightstemplar bstephendaugherty valleyofdanville illinoisfreemasons illinoisfreemasonry grandlodgeofillinois rudyardkipling nobelprize poetry literature themanwhowouldbeking junglebook india robmorris oes orderoftheeasternstar royalarch frankland dadland demolay demolayinternational orderofdemolay dieterhees grandmaster grandlodgeofnewjersey newjerseyfreemasons newjerseyfreemasonry robertburns rabbieburns poet grandlodgeofscotland scottishfreemasonry burnsnight willrogers humorist humor western comedy actor hollywood film cinema movies celebrity portriat albertpike mastermason grandlodgeofarkansas stanleybarclay grandlodgeofmanitoba grandlodgeofcanada canadian canada maryannbichajian retired retirement etsy satanic stainedglass stainedglasswindow skullandcrossbones secretsociety skull lenoxartemporium ugle unitedgrandlodgeofengland sampsonsimson grandlodgeofnewyork newyorkfreemasonry normanrockwell normanrockwellmuseum artist illustrator saturdayeveningpost berkshires stockbridgema americana american grandlodgeofvermont lonmiloduquette ordotempliorientis oto ceremonialmagick magick aleistercrowley thelema qabalah esoteric mystic tarot occultart scottwolter americaunearthed hookedx kensingtonrunestone templars newporttower holygrail marymagdalene sacredfeminine goddess timothyhogan holyland crusades alchemy

November 15, 1877: S.L. MacGregor Mathers was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Hengist Lodge No.195 in Bournemouth, England.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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November 9, 1848: Rob Morris received all the degrees of Royal Arch Masonry in Lexington Chapter No. 9 in Lexington, Mississippi.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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November 8, 1959: Frank S. "Dad" Land, founder of the Order of DeMolay, died at the age of 69.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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November 4, 1850: Albert Pike was raised a Master Mason in Western Star Lodge No. 2 in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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October 29, 1808: Sampson Simson received the 17th and 18th degrees from Abraham Jacobs.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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