"Rage, hatred, frustration... These ugly emotions arise because of my own incomplete spirit! ...Enough. We will never see eye to eye. This, I promise you. I will break the secrets of the world. With that knowledge, I will create my own complete and perfect world."

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EP. 18: Unexpected Power

Contrary to the title, this fight was tediously predictable. I think my reactions to it were perfectly reflected in Rildo’s growing frustration. It’s Goku clowning the Sigma Force for 20 minutes, but it’s not funny. Goku’s just wasting his and our time.

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“Vivenna started, noticing that her hair had shifted from a still, calm black to the red of frustration... I used to be so good at controlling that. What is happening to me?”

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Nothing like spending your Friday night squealing with fear and frustration... thanks, Little Nightmares...

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hissy fit.
trying to capture struggle and frustration.

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Somethin about meeee...I played Hey You Pikachu when I was little and it caused me such frustration. ;v;

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| Vent |

Angelic frustration.

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Someone in the server saw how frustrated I am with Waylon. They told me to try piggy eyes for fun and I just tried it to vent my frustration.

Worth it.

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I think it was around 8 years after first playing KH1 did I learn you were supposed to cast specific magic on the White Mushrooms depending on their pose. I've always just hit them in frustration. 😆

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Btw, I have a hybrid dinosaur OC with elephant feet and other wonky features, so I'm speaking from a place of personal frustration.

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this is called frustration.
I hate my process but well… I´m really happy with the result!

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I understand your frustration. I can definitely see why you’re annoyed... I just- I don’t know. Imma sit on my corner of internet and behave lol

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For vent art I usually tend to get very colourful, I guess creating colourful art pieces make me feel better

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It’s so tough for so many right now and after shared this again I have forwarded the tweet to so many. One day, one step at a time. In illness, grief, uncertainty, loneliness and frustration. One more step is sometimes all we can see.

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Spent the morning trying to remember how to draw faces. These were the last few to come out after pages and pages of frustration. Not great, but feels good to be pushing myself again.

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Mordred: "Goddammit, I'm struck! I really hate this tight shirt sometimes - it's a real pain the ass." She sighs in frustration.

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I've been working on my art supply gift guide for 2020, but I know folks buying presents maybe can't wait. I have some GREAT reviews and giftguides from past years that I wanna share today to help yall.

Retweet to maybe save a kiddo artist a lotta frustration.

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The young pokemon trainer was quite bored of being at home with nothing to do.

"I really hate this thing. I mean, no more championships, no more battles and pretty much no more anything because of this fucking virus." Selene grunts in frustration."

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Latest piece in the “ribbon motif” series I’m exploring...why are masks and clipping masks pretty much the same as calculus...I just know there’s an easier way to do this prior to driving my car off of a cliff outta frustration. Le sigh.

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